Important Scorpion Facts for Arizona Residents to Learn
At Scorpion Specialists, LLC, we want people all around Arizona and Nevada to stay protected from scorpions even when we are not there to help. We provide a number of scorpion safety tips and information on scorpion sting symptoms to keep you knowledgeable and safe.
General Scorpion Facts
We want you to know when and where you may find scorpions in your house. In general, scorpions:
- Feed at night
- Enjoy a variety of food, such as crickets and small insects
- Are found in irrigated areas, including the pool or shower
- Hide under objects such as rocks and can be found in crawlspaces
- Can fit into any space greater than 1/16” (the width of a credit card)
- Are not deterred by pesticides
Bark Scorpion
There are over 35 species of scorpions, the most prevalent in our area being the bark scorpion. The bark scorpion is one of the only scorpions known to be able to climb walls and ceilings, making it susceptible to dropping onto beds and into cribs. The venom of a bark scorpion can cause severe pain at a sting site, numbness, frothing at the mouth, difficulty breathing, respiratory paralysis, muscle twitching, and convulsions.
About Scorpion Stings
Scorpions have killed two people in Arizona within the last 30 years: a child under the age of 4 and an adult over the age of 55. If you are young or suffer from illness, you are at the greatest risk of complications from a scorpion sting.
Symptoms of Scorpion Stings
To keep you one step ahead in moments of danger, we want you to know exactly what a scorpion sting looks like. You may have experienced a scorpion sting if you notice:
- Sensitive Skin
- Local Burning Pain
- Slurred Speech
- Breathing Problems
- Body-Wide Numbness
In the case of a scorpion sting, you can put bleach on the sting site within five minutes to stop the venom from flowing.